Explotación de instalacionesSMALL COMPONENT


EREDA supplies repair service with final test in a test bench of small specific electronic, electromechanical and electro-hydraulic components which are part of several wind turbine models with great penetration in the market (Vestas®, General Electric®, Gamesa®, Alstom Ecotecnia®…)

The verification process in test bench allows the detection of possible secondary faults not detected by the initial failure mode, and that sometimes are difficult to detect at the stage of diagnosis but disclosed when the components are reinstalled in the turbine. The verification process also enables a 12 month warranty on parts replaced. A comprehensive policy to repair small components, apart from the obvious impact on the final profitability increase  of Wind Farm (between 0.2-0.4%) and in the reduction of wastes, it also helps to detect potential problems hidden as deficiencies in training and / or work process of the maintenance equipment (false positives). In the case of wind turbine with more than 15 years old since their commissioning or that belong to a manufacturer who has disappeared of the market, the repair with guarantee can be even the only source of trustable supply for small component.

Explotación de instalaciones LARGE COMPONENT

EREDA manages the repair of gearboxes, generators and blades with competitiveness looking for all the possibilities of the market the most suitable option for the Owner (Best deadline, best price, partial payment with interchange)

In the case of gearboxes and generators, the final load test is also available in case of necessary until its verification.

Explotación de instalaciones SALE OF SPARE PARTS AND COMPONENTS

Search services and urgent localization of spare parts and big components for wind turbine due to stock-outs or temporary shortages in their usual sources of supply.

Logistic management of spare parts and components with delivery deadlines dilated to get supplies on time and with competitiveness.

Adquisición de materialesLOCATION AND SALE OF COMPONENTS

Our knowledge of the wind energy market and its supply chain enables us to provide a fast location service of specific spare parts and big components for the vast majority of the wind turbines models with greater market penetration. Stock-outs, discontinuity in the equipments manufacture or the necessity of searching an alternative source of more competitive supply or in a shorter term are the most common scenarios that we face.


Review and analysis of different suppliers, warehouse management, logistics and other components of the supply chain policy in order to resolve potential inefficiencies or as a previous step to the implementation of comprehensive optimization policies as LEAN or similar.


The introduction of wind power in countries outside the EU and the logical aging of the wind turbines in Europe for over 20 years, as well as the current policies are generating new buy / sell needs for wind turbines in use. Our mediation service to find a buyer / seller interested in buying second-hand wind turbines in operating conditions has comprehensive character and may also include tasks such as:

  • Technical audit of state (due diligence).
  • Upgrading and revamping.

  • Dismantling assessment and legal reversion of the wind farm site and its accesses.
  • Waste recovery assessment.
  • Transportation logistics management.
  • Assessment about wind turbine assembling and O&M politics and wind turbine supply chain in order to achieve the expected useful life.